Future Transport and Mobility

The major challenge in the Transport sector is the transformation towards zero emission in all possible modes of transport. Ultimately, this means vehicles, vessels and airplanes, which are either electric, hydrogen fuelled and/or the use of a biobased or renewable fuel. Other challenges are: autonomous driving and new mobility concepts.

Uniresearch consultants have profound knowledge of the opportunities and challenges in the transport and mobility domain and are keen to support you to acquire funding for research and innovation actions in e.g. the following European programs: Green Vehicle, Mobility for Growth, Fuel Cells and Hydrogen, Maritime and Infrastructures. Our services in project set-up and – management cover each development stage; from early stage research projects to demonstration projects.

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OBELICS investigates new and innovative model-based testing methods and tools which can be applied in HiL environments that are crucial for the development of e-powertrains.
Uniresearch Role

AVL, the technical coordinator of OBELICS, asked Uniresearch to facilitate the proposal development. After approval of the project, Uniresearch has become responsible for project management and is in charge of the dissemination activities.

"UNIRESEARCH provides an excellent service during the proposal phase of EU projects, by supporting the development of the project consortium and the writing process. They make sure that the proposal meets the call in details and the project targets are clear. There are many very experienced people who bring in their know-how and who love their work. This is also true for the project management service they provide. We are very satisfied customers of UNIRESEARCH since many years." - Horst Pfluegl, AVL."
Willem van Dorp
Senior Grant Consultant
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OBELICS addresses the urgent need for new tools to enable multi-level modelling and testing of electric vehicles (EV) and their components, in order to deliver more efficient vehicle designs faster while supporting modularity to enable mass production and hence improved affordability.
The overall objective of OBELICS is to develop a systematic and comprehensive framework for the design, development and testing of advanced e-powertrains and EVs line-ups, to reduce development efforts by 40% while improving efficiency of the e-drivetrain by 20% and increase safety by a factor of 10. OBELICS’ advanced heterogeneous model-based testing methods and tools are used as well as scalable and easy to parameterize real-time models.

Facts & Figures
  • Acronym: OBELICS
  • Full name: Optimization of scalaBle rEaltime modeLs and functIonal testing for e-drive ConceptS
  • Start date: 1 October 2017
  • Duration: 36 Months
  • Total budget: 9,077,497.50M€
  • EC funding: 9,077,497.50M€
  • EC contract number: 769506

The project consortium consists of 19 partners from 9 EU countries.