

Developing the next generation BMSs enabling higher performance, safety and longer lifetime of the battery cells for an overall optimal utilization of the battery system.
Uniresearch Role

Uniresearch supports the coordinator AIT in the day-to-day management of the project. Next to the management and coordination activities, Uniresearch is leading the tasks on dissemination, communication, and exploitation of the NEXTBMS project. We ensure high-quality communication between all partners and the timely sharing of project-related results and information to all interested parties.

Cor van der Zweep
Director / Senior Grant Consultant
Arjo Roersch van der Hoogte
Senior Grant Consultant
View Team

The new BMS includes innovative and scalable physics-and data-based models, advanced HW, innovative sensors, and data-driven approaches.
The key elements of the concept are:

  1. Better understanding of cell chemistry and physics and incorporation of this knowledge in parameterised models by testing;
  2. Enhanced cell models that are physics-based and thus physiochemically consistent;
  3. Advanced data acquisition by battery sensors and measurement techniques that feed the models;
  4. Novel approaches, methods and control algorithms integrating from the software (SW) side the enhanced cell modelling and from the HW side the extra-cell new sensors and measurement techniques.

The developed BMS will be validated in transport and stationary application related load cycles (use cases) and will include strategies for optimal exploitation of on-board/off-board processing (interaction of the embedded BMS and the cloud). The enabling technologies will be matured from TRL 2 to TRL 4.


Facts & Figures
  • Acronym: NEXTBMS
  • Full name: Next generation BMSs
  • Start date: 1 June2023
  • Duration: 42 months
  • Total budget: 4.998.318,25 €
  • EC funding: : 4.998.318,25 €
  • EC contract number: 101103898

The project consortium consists of 12 partners from 7 countries.

